News for package altos

Hash: SHA512

Format: 3.0 (quilt)
Source: altos
Binary: altos
Architecture: any
Version: 1.6.1-1
Maintainer: Bdale Garbee <[email protected]>
Uploaders: Keith Packard <[email protected]>
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
Vcs-Git: git:// -b debian
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), autoconf, automake, gawk, libreadline-dev, libusb-1.0-0-dev, nickle, cc1111, xsltproc, fop, xmlto, docbook-xml, docbook-xsl, swig, default-jdk, freetts, libtool, libjfreechart-java, libbluetooth-dev, pkg-config, libelf-dev, libssl-dev, gcc-arm-none-eabi, icoutils, librsvg2-bin, icnsutils, graphicsmagick | imagemagick, netpbm, shared-mime-info, libgtk-3-bin
 altos deb electronics optional arch=any
 7c92d77f56c4a69c11d709093c3abaa4c3646c2a 28776583 altos_1.6.1.orig.tar.gz
 91564761638ee843f78df92103d7b4d9e1a2da69 53580 altos_1.6.1-1.debian.tar.xz
 9b8089a4bd5ce11bb4f9d1302500073826582561dc7156face68a65bbdf83448 28776583 altos_1.6.1.orig.tar.gz
 cce8162b548307a93eb2bdba462d1d46a113c833d85345b568dfbda704845044 53580 altos_1.6.1-1.debian.tar.xz
 8d0efbece763b8b7efe907d2069489ae 28776583 altos_1.6.1.orig.tar.gz
 741096e5975e35d3109c327514a9edae 53580 altos_1.6.1-1.debian.tar.xz

Version: GnuPG v1


altos (1.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Bdale Garbee ]
  * swap names so v3.0 is the default TeleDongle version to turn on
  * add debian branch spec to vcs-git: line in control so Debian tools work right
  * changelog for 1.6.1 release

  [ Tom Marble ]
  * Minor typo in man page
  * Added continuous output option to ao-usbtrng

  [ Keith Packard ]
  * altos/stmf0: Add ao_crc_stm.c
  * altos: Replace ao_alarm/ao_clear_alarm with ao_sleep_for
  * altosui: Run all igniter status requests from non-GUI thread
  * altosuilib: Detect pair programming by product name, not USB id
  * ao-bringup/turnon_telemini: Detect which programmer to use by $USER
  * altos: embed ao_alarm and ao_clear_alarm in ao_sleep_for
  * altos/cc1200: Adjust bit-sync configuration
  * altos: Remove some accidental debug printfs from ao_packet.c
  * ao-bringup: Changes for telebt for keith's hacking
  * altosdroid: Lots of bluetooth connection changes
  * altosdroid: Explicitly disconnect BT on termination or 'disconnect'
  * altosdroid: Only speak when GUI is running
  * altosdroid: Missing file:
  * altosdroid: Ignore automatic tab changing while activity is saved
  * altos: Allow software to offer other USB interface classes than CDC
  * altos/stmf0: Fix fast ADC interface
  * altos/stmf0: Typo in ao_crc_stm.c
  * altos/stmf0: Allocate USB buffers at startup
  * altos: Create chaoskey product
  * altos: Add chaoskey flash loader
  * altos/usbtrng: Split out random number generating code to separate driver
  * altos: Make APRS format (compressed/uncompressed) configurable
  * altosui/telegps: Add config option for APRS format
  * altoslib: Round frequency when configuring radio
  * ao-tools: Add ao-flash-stm32f0x
  * altos: Wait for BT disconnect before sending command
  * altos: Missing pad field in TMv2 data packet
  * altosui/telegps: Change from variable-units snuck into master
  * altosdroid: Deal with bluetooth connection failures better
  * doc: Update telemetry docs to include new packet formats
  * altos: Add .gitignore for chaoskey
  * altos: Build chaoskey by default
  * altos: Add makefile for chaoskey flash loader
  * altos/stmf0: Need ao_exti.h for pin configuration
  * altosui: Add map to MonitorIdle display
  * ao-tools/ao-mega: Clean up formatting of pyro status messages
  * altos/test: Make aprs test code compile again
  * altos/test: Support old telemega eeprom file formats in ao_flight_test
  * ao-tools/ao-list: Show devices that have no TTY
  * altos: Add the ability to configure a different USB vendor ID
  * altos/chaoskey: Set USB VID/PID to 0x1d50/0x60c6
  * altos/stmf0: Have fast ADC ring buffer code use wrap-around
  * icon: Convert windows stub into launcher program
  * windows: Use new windows stub to launch applications
  * altosdroid: Add USB support for TeleDongle/TeleBT
  * altosdroid: Fix tab label height problems
  * altoslib: Use Locale.ROOT for KML export
  * altoslib: Expose locale and non-locale floating point parsing functions
  * altosui: Remove un-implemented --fetchmaps argument
  * ao-dump-up: Add --wait option to make testing µPusb easier
  * doc: Clarify what 'after motor' means
  * altos: Support 32MHz xtal on cc1200
  * microsplash: Add 'publish' target to Makefile
  * micropeak: Use fast load mode by default in -load script
  * Flip version to
  * altoslib: Create display-independent map support code
  * telefire: Make 'good' RSSI value configurable
  * altos: Only set CMAC RSSI value on valid packet received
  * telefire: Report telefire battery voltage over telemetry link
  * altos: Add telelco v0.3 (v0.2 with cc1200 instead of cc1120)
  * altos/telelco: Display telefire battery voltage
  * altos/telelco: Show box voltage with pad knob instead of firing button
  * altoslib: Build in
  * altoslib: Get new abstract mapping code compiling
  * altoslib: More frobbing with new map bits
  * altoslib/altosuilib: Update library version to 7
  * altoslib/altosuilib: Get new Map display code running in altosui and telegps
  * altosuilib: Add
  * altosuilib: Use new map code for map preload UI
  * altosuilib: Remove old map bits
  * altosuilib: Get rid of
  * altosdroid: Add offline map tab
  * altosdroid: Move pause before reopening bluetooth into connec thread
  * altosdroid: Centralize debug printf code
  * altosdroid: Place icons on screen instead of drawing path
  * altoslib: Add AltosLaunchSite bits
  * altosuilib: Use altoslib site list loader
  * altoslib: Start with map empty
  * altoslib: Provide toString method for AltosLatLon
  * altoslib: Add map loading helper class
  * altosuilib: Switch to altoslib map loading code
  * altosuilib: Get rid of AltosUIMapNew.set_load_params
  * altosuilib: Eliminate extra MapCache in AltosUIMapPreloadNew
  * altoslib: Pass all map loader params to set_load_params
  * altosdroid: Add map types and map preloading UIs
  * altosdroid: Look for zipalign in the new place too
  * altosdroid: Disable debug output on release builds
  * altosdroid: Save selected map type in AltosDroid object
  * altosdroid: Add 'Current Location' as an option when preloading maps
  * altosdroid: Split out AltosMapView into separate file
  * altosdroid: Missing call to super.onDetach from TabMapOffline
  * altosdroid: use 'show' to set new tab contents in onResume
  * altoslib: Require 'debug' hook in AltosMapInterface
  * altosdroid: Switch from custom title to standard Holo theme
  * altosdroid: Highlight age in red when older than 10 seconds
  * ao-tools: Create ao-cal-freq
  * ao-bringup: Use new ao-cal-freq program for cal-freq script
  * ao-bringup: Do telegps freq cal before testing GPS
  * ao-tools: Add missing ao-cal-freq man page
  * altoslib: Add preferences for saving/restoring multiple flight states
  * altosdroid: Add multi-tracker support
  * altosdroid: Note recent changes
  * altosdroid: Resource changes needed for multi-tracker mode
  * altoslib: Set product for idle monitor
  * altoslib: Let the application disable the link cancel dialog
  * altoslib: Expose public function to set state.product
  * altoslib: Remove debug output from AltosMap
  * altosuilib: Show state.product if state.device_type isn't set
  * altosuilib: Create grid-bag helper functions in AltosUIFrame
  * micropeak: Update mac/windows FTDI drivers
  * telegps: use new AltosUIFrame constraint helper
  * ao-bringup: Fail turnon_easymega if accel cal fails
  * ao-bringup: Use local versions of tools instead of /usr/bin for turnon_easymega
  * ao-bringup: Make turnon_easymega run without 'make install'
  * altoslib/altosuilib: Fix equals methods, add hashCode
  * altoslib: Clean up map tile removal
  * altosuilib: Allow for no transform in map mouse wheel function
  * altosdroid: Switch trackers automatically when changing freq or baud
  * altosdroid: Remove debug
  * altosdroid: Support for sorting rockets by age
  * altosdroid: Stack map markers with newest rocket on top
  * altosdroid: Multiple tracker support for google maps
  * altoslib: Add set_zoom_centre to AltosMap
  * altosuilib: Use AltosMap set_zoom_centre instead of in-line version
  * altosdroid: Use AltosMap set_zoom_centre
  * altosdroid: Show receiver battery voltage in the 'pad' view
  * altosdroid: Add map source preference
  * altosdroid: Display online/offline maps in same tab
  * altosdroid: Get rid of on-line only maps tab
  * altosdroid: Select tracker by clicking on map
  * altosdroid: Switch to four tabs (pad/flight/recover/map)
  * altosdroid: Allow tracker selection from online map widget
  * altosdroid: Mark four-tab change done
  * altosdroid: Fix line drawing to old tracker location
  * altoslib: Use a longer filter for descent values
  * altosdroid: Show direction to target in recover tab
  * altosdroid: Define strings for the tab names
  * altosdroid: Change voice output around
  * altoslib: Typo slipped into
  * altosdroid: Make sure whole flight state is spoken even when no-one is moving
  * altosdroid: Make sure flight voice output always starts with 'speed'
  * altosdroid: Mark tab-dependent voice output as done
  * altosdroid: Update version numbers in manifest
  * Bump version to
  * altoslib: Fix replay to run in realtime again
  * altosdroid: Display direction in map view
  * altosdroid: Class of offline map view widget changed
  * altoslib: Don't crash if dragging a map view without any tiles
  * altos/telebt-v3.0: Report battery voltage correctly
  * altoslib: Support TeleBT v3.0 battery voltage conversion
  * altosuilib: Receiver battery voltage lives in listener_state
  * altosui: Correctly show/hide receiver battery value
  * telegps: Add receiver battery to Status display
  * altoslib: Make AltosMap floor/ceil static. Check transform in paint
  * altoslib: Make earth size constants public
  * altoslib: Limit simultanous map tile downloads to 128
  * altoslib: Convert longitude from distance in AltosMapTransform
  * altoslib: Preload maps based on distance rather than number of tiles
  * altosdroid: Keep speaking even when screen is off
  * altosdroid: Pop up menu of nearby trackers on map click
  * altosdroid: Remove a debug line in AltosVoice
  * altosdroid: Don't disconnect from bluetooth onStartCommand
  * altosdroid: Add other igniter status, various other layout changes
  * Generate Android version info from
  * altosdroid: Note time at startup to avoid flipping trackers
  * altosdroid: Add 'Auto' to map tracker list
  * altosdroid: Clean up tab layout
  * altosdroid: Cleanup
  * Bump version to (android version 8)
  * doc: Update for 1.6.1
  * Bump versions to 1.6.1
  * Bump Java library versions

  [ Robert Garbee ]
  * add beep when test completes

 -- Bdale Garbee <[email protected]>  Thu, 16 Jul 2015 13:38:22 -0600