-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Format: 3.0 (quilt) Source: systemd Binary: systemd, systemd-sysv, systemd-container, systemd-journal-remote, libpam-systemd, libnss-myhostname, libnss-mymachines, libsystemd0, libsystemd-dev, libsystemd-login-dev, libsystemd-daemon-dev, udev, libudev1, libudev-dev, udev-udeb, libudev1-udeb, systemd-dbg Architecture: linux-any Version: 225-1 Maintainer: Debian systemd Maintainers <[email protected]> Uploaders: Michael Biebl <[email protected]>, Marco d'Itri <[email protected]>, Michael Stapelberg <[email protected]>, Sjoerd Simons <[email protected]>, Martin Pitt <[email protected]> Homepage: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd Standards-Version: 3.9.6 Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-systemd/systemd.git Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-systemd/systemd.git Testsuite: autopkgtest Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20141010), dpkg-dev (>= 1.17.14), pkg-config, xsltproc, docbook-xsl, docbook-xml, m4, dh-autoreconf, automake (>= 1.11), autoconf (>= 2.63), intltool, gperf, gnu-efi [amd64 i386], libcap-dev (>= 1:2.24-9~), libpam0g-dev, libapparmor-dev (>= 2.9.0-3+exp2) <!stage1>, libaudit-dev <!stage1>, libdbus-1-dev (>= 1.3.2) <!nocheck>, libcryptsetup-dev (>= 2:1.6.0) <!stage1>, libselinux1-dev (>= 2.1.9), libacl1-dev, liblzma-dev, libbz2-dev <!stage1>, zlib1g-dev <!stage1> | libz-dev <!stage1>, libcurl4-gnutls-dev <!stage1> | libcurl-dev <!stage1>, libmicrohttpd-dev <!stage1>, libgnutls28-dev <!stage1>, libgcrypt20-dev, libkmod-dev (>= 15), libblkid-dev (>= 2.24), libmount-dev (>= 2.20), libseccomp-dev (>= 1.0.0) [amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 mips mipsel], python3:native, python3-lxml:native Package-List: libnss-myhostname deb admin extra arch=linux-any libnss-mymachines deb admin extra arch=linux-any libpam-systemd deb admin optional arch=linux-any libsystemd-daemon-dev deb oldlibs extra arch=linux-any libsystemd-dev deb libdevel optional arch=linux-any libsystemd-login-dev deb oldlibs extra arch=linux-any libsystemd0 deb libs optional arch=linux-any libudev-dev deb libdevel optional arch=linux-any libudev1 deb libs important arch=linux-any libudev1-udeb udeb debian-installer optional arch=linux-any profile=!noudeb systemd deb admin important arch=linux-any systemd-container deb admin optional arch=linux-any profile=!stage1 systemd-dbg deb debug extra arch=linux-any systemd-journal-remote deb admin optional arch=linux-any profile=!stage1 systemd-sysv deb admin important arch=linux-any udev deb admin important arch=linux-any udev-udeb udeb debian-installer optional arch=linux-any profile=!noudeb Checksums-Sha1: 89b83e5303b7810aa0b4347ee39e4c3fcd87b144 3878442 systemd_225.orig.tar.gz daf5cd36f4e091ea11acd541a0d2f3eb10ad16a9 134176 systemd_225-1.debian.tar.xz Checksums-Sha256: b2f576bb3688e9315f2f49b98e141ac6f964567370e98ebd8fd7332a0a6f9701 3878442 systemd_225.orig.tar.gz 5538554ea8b945a4d806c9cc3dc1904e27eecce5f6f2e9163a8974a4a01f1dec 134176 systemd_225-1.debian.tar.xz Files: 2355cb77fdc8dd22439fd1941a6c7f22 3878442 systemd_225.orig.tar.gz 4f355dd73af080e848028bd3f5494b44 134176 systemd_225-1.debian.tar.xz -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJV420SAAoJEGrh3w1gjyLcU4gP/ibW1HhicXFgd2bOKCGzZctX 5TKbIieQANil43dp+Zn6XAM709mPRimJ8aQi1FMkpCg4RAyVreO+zsarzor9LGv2 YAlO/MdDhuTJRBazunS136G1SlkDKT9vEEba7FTkIvvym1h2QEnPUW7FJWN2ETVN rGkXX5UQv5WfzYwVXDkoy730wY2amNurEHxb8N4qc3zJRI8ngdy6wlel3gXWUo4U 6KJnq+UZysdl+RtK4ZVphUBPAKT17ZzBcvRBQnRT8B/PzIKP0mnhRQNp2NJLCo1w 95uz0fge+7sAKbvnolOw7lBWRqpE6uu2PmS0nmSxcDinzMPI1gkTbP7P6AgM7/0t kyblnXc92WhpDgT9BFXYEWTBjD4fk115dGhL5nV2kiKTc14J50mHkYRcy/VhuKp1 0eerctes7utbdvhLxhyp+1K7PbTvI6KQwynf7D/XPn3seyXy7UMGS3NuMGRyDC/Z 7M+UiQFEoqKTCIsStK9SpNZ5UDP4i0lWYzIovKKVYEuvadEMIsdmBgcdBP4lQMuf 0UmqI5DPn16X4nLxZhCYJFc+3m5Fgbc4npAq23VcGUBwLYz5R/XtoOQMFI5XFErw ZVwxtTbFcDaTStMJvc7MinXMRq6u4XQfst5HOvgPHBJ+1OMNh7EiDIMr0fFdXnrp eR2dRARtmWnFQ5ZhmUtS =AdOW -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Changes: systemd (225-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Martin Pitt ] * New upstream release. - Fixes FTBFS on alpha. (Closes: #792551) - Fixes machined state tracking logic. (Closes: #788269) * Add better fix for "systemctl link/enable" breakage with full paths. (LP: #1480310) * debian/rules: Add missing $(dh_options) in overridden debhelper targets. [ Felipe Sateler ] * Move conffile from systemd to systemd-container package (Closes: #797048) [ Michael Biebl ] * Drop unnecessary Conflicts/Replaces from systemd-journal-remote. None of the files in this package were previously shipped by systemd. * Create system users for systemd-journal-{gateway,remote,upload} when installing the systemd-journal-remote package. * Explicitly turn off the features we don't want in a stage1 build. Otherwise ./configure might enable them automatically if the build dependencies are installed and "dh_install --fail-missing" will then fail due to uninstalled files. * Enable GnuTLS support as systemd-journal-remote makes sense mostly with encryption enabled. * Rely on build profiles to determine which packages should be skipped during build and no longer specify that manually. * Drop our patch which removes rc-local-generator. rc-local.service acts as an ordering barrier even if its condition is false, because conditions are evaluated when the service is about to be started, not when it is enqueued. We don't want this ordering barrier on systems that don't need/use /etc/rc.local. -- Michael Biebl <[email protected]> Sun, 30 Aug 2015 21:18:59 +0200