-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 3.0 (quilt) Source: zsh Binary: zsh, zsh-common, zsh-doc, zsh-static, zsh-dev, zsh-dbg, zsh-beta, zsh-beta-doc Architecture: any all Version: 5.0.6-3 Maintainer: Debian Zsh Maintainers <[email protected]> Uploaders: Michael Prokop <[email protected]>, Axel Beckert <[email protected]>, Clint Adams <[email protected]>, Frank Terbeck <[email protected]>, Richard Hartmann <[email protected]> Homepage: http://www.zsh.org/ Standards-Version: 3.9.6 Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/zsh.git Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/zsh.git -b debian Testsuite: autopkgtest Build-Depends: autotools-dev, bsdmainutils, cm-super-minimal, debhelper (>= 9~), dh-autoreconf, dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.2~), ghostscript, groff, groff-base, libcap-dev [linux-any], libncursesw5-dev, libpcre3-dev, texinfo (>= 5~), texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-recommended, yodl Package-List: zsh deb shells optional arch=any zsh-beta deb oldlibs extra arch=all zsh-beta-doc deb oldlibs extra arch=all zsh-common deb shells optional arch=all zsh-dbg deb debug extra arch=any zsh-dev deb libdevel optional arch=any zsh-doc deb doc optional arch=all zsh-static deb shells optional arch=any Checksums-Sha1: 3936a8fa9115928dee9e3fd8ceed267fe86b61c4 2466865 zsh_5.0.6.orig.tar.bz2 4617d736a310a0959e12c60a9571ba2cba68c22b 67864 zsh_5.0.6-3.debian.tar.xz Checksums-Sha256: b8a734bfbb87c77baca51d9e07169563330bf612861d6bbe35cfd0dd7308eae2 2466865 zsh_5.0.6.orig.tar.bz2 b0e8e9a0222a0fbca23ade86304f94a00a61f44b0c856bdae5ebbd5aa6d99011 67864 zsh_5.0.6-3.debian.tar.xz Files: e9d4607f33db17cfb97e9ec957f2135b 2466865 zsh_5.0.6.orig.tar.bz2 99379bf413541e319a27ecf589df266c 67864 zsh_5.0.6-3.debian.tar.xz -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iEYEARECAAYFAlQskqUACgkQwJ4diZWTDt5/eACdEeKEyI7rNbWFmVm64ecWLKfV W8sAn0H1j8xhBShP2l4pAeFAh6SvCjYO =Dcmn -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Changes: zsh (5.0.6-3) unstable; urgency=medium * [f5dacf9f] Do not run (already ignored) test suite on static build to mitigate #760061. * [79035529] Set ZTST_verbose=1 to get more details about where exactly the test suite hangs. Seems also to reduce the likeliness for hangs and hence further mitigates #760061. * [16aa8c84] Cherry-pick git commit 87270496 from upstream: Fixes hanging in freejob from TRAPCHLD. May mitigate or even fix #760061. * [c3dea2bb] Convert debian/copyright into machine-readable DEP5 format. * [abc8d1f6] Complete debian/copyright with individual copyrights and licenses (Closes: #763191) -- Axel Beckert <[email protected]> Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:37:34 +0200